Someone who has perfect comedic timing but has no social skills. These type of people usually have a god complex. It is recommended that you don't get into an argument with one, it almost always ends up with the "V1nce" winning
You're being such a v1nce, you fucking nob head
by Biscuits Meow April 21, 2022
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The most godly being to ever exist. He has balls bigger than you mom, a penis the size of 69420 universes, and can roast anyone anytime anywhere. It is impossible to roast him without getting reduced to absolutely nothing. If you subscribe to his YouTube channel V1nce cuh you will truly unlock your final form. He is one of the few beings in the council of gods. Easily solos the entire universe, and is on a mission: destroy all png tubers.
All hail V1nce, king of the gigachads!
by V1nce_is_#1 June 21, 2022
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An over glorified leafy clone that repeats nothing but “furry bad” and “jellymid cringe” in every single video.
Also their fans are the type of 15 year old edgelords that attack people for having a different opinion than them.
Have you heard of V1nce?
You mean that leafy clone that will probably die off if he gets bored of saying the same thing every single time or if jellybean stops making content.
by Ultimate Rayquaza May 5, 2022
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An absolute king with balls the size of planets. He makes fun of furries and Jellymid and her clones. If you’re not subbed to v1nce, you’re a fatherless furry.
Jellymid fan: Have you seen the v1nce guy? He’s so cringe
Epic cool manly Chad v1nce fan: fatherless
by BlossomSasuke July 5, 2022
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average 15 year old 'fuck you lmao' youtube shorts creator, appeals to roblox communists who turned 13 and became political on discord
'have you heard of v1nce cuh?'

by telegrxm April 21, 2022
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V1nce is the best YouTuber who is not gay like Frost Fox, Jellybean, and/or other pussy png YouTubers.
V1nce is a slayer in the bed.
by tyler the non gay June 20, 2022
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