Someone who absorbs all roasts of him and never roast back or someone who doesn’t give a fuck
I roasted him and he just stood there, what a sponge

Bob doesn’t give a fuck about anything, he’s such a sponge
by Fredrick510 August 12, 2019
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When someone refuses to participate or join in, and their attitude is so negative it acts to absorb the fun of the other people around them, like a sponge.
Person one: "You guys fancy going out later?"

Person two: "No that sounds like shit mate, I'd rather watch men get sweaty with each other"

Person one: "You're such a fucking sponge Scott"
by fm11fm March 15, 2014
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a word used to describe a guy who sleeps with any and all girls possible. He has absorbed STD's from all walks of life...
How could you sleep with The Sponge?? Perfect for describing tattooed bartenders who your friends sleep with...
by Pam5831 March 29, 2006
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Like sponge, but much funnier. Listen to how funny it sounds!
Mmmm, look at that spong. Don't you mean sponge? No, SPONG. It's much funnier, see.
by Depardieu January 5, 2009
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its when someone is sitting on a seat, farts but it is absorbed in to the sponge so when the next person sits on the seat that person gets the smell from the fart
jack: dude i was totally sponging it on the chair, i cant wait till jerry sits down
jerry: ewwww! JACK!
by horny-dandilion May 28, 2007
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To transform the human body into a sponge that has one purpose: to soak up alcohol, most commonly cheap beer.
Yesterday, after a session of hardcore sponging at the frat, I blacked out and committed a Scarsdale Surprise.
by Improvize June 21, 2011
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