Verb: The action people take to show they are flabbergasted, lost for words, surprised, shocked or gobsmacked. Usually typified by a wide open mouth, low jaw and silence. This term was popularised after the release of Screw Attacks Starscream vs Rainbowdash to which Starscream starscreamed in reaction to Rainbowdash's Sonic Rainboom.
Master Gregory: Don't worry, we are safe now. Boggarts, they hate water.
'Boggart jumps into the water'
Master Gregory: *Starscreams*
by I3R0K3N7FEET March 11, 2016
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Starscream is Megatron's servant Decepticon in the war against Autobots andDecepticons on Cybertron.Starscream is also second-in-command of the Decepticons,but tries to rule them while trying to kill Megatron
Starscream is a type of betrayer
by Alex3098 June 21, 2021
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by Romelle September 29, 2022
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A worthless Cybertronian who betrays his leader known as Megatron the leader of the Decepticons
Megatron: come here you defective jet engine so I can beat your ass

Starscream: I'm going to kill Megatron so I can be the leader of the Deceptions
by Gold Bug March 10, 2023
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