Ice Cream company offering Super-Premium Ice cream which donates 10% of its profits to conservative causes and displays conservative themes on its packaging.
by Damien Sharpe January 31, 2004
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The key to the destruction of the multiverse, having the capability to eradicate all life forms in every single dimension in every single timeline. More powerful than any line starting with “ur.” Only been used once before in history, but was denied by an uno reverse card.
Ryan: Did you eat the rest of the cereal
Robert: Yeah why
Ryan: *slowly brings his hands together, closing his eyes while making an upside down triangle with his fingers*
Robert: U-ur mom gay!
Ryan: *opens his eyes, they’re now glowing* No u
Robert: *falls to his knees* Don-
Ryan: Ur pledge of allegiance and star spangled speeches a hedge of queer sieges and dudes without penis
Robert: NO- #*{£<+¥\•
*Robert himself would start to crack, causing holes in the space-time continuum as Ryan drains the life force of every single living thing in existence, becoming one with the void*
by Aggressive_Genji_Main October 21, 2018
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John got star spangled and mangled last night! He threw up everywhere.
by Chowpal November 21, 2017
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The never-released 1981 porn flick starring John Holmes as President Ronald Reagan, screened privately every Fourth of July for a handful of top-tier Republicans at The Bohemian Grove, their tightly-guarded summer enclave in the Northern California Redwoods.
He'd figured it was an urban legend, but there it was, July 4th in the Grove's outdoor amphitheater, "Star Spangled Boner".
by Monkey's Dad March 25, 2020
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When you have 50 dingleberries stuck in your asshole hair and you bend over and spread it wide in front of a fan to dry out.
Hey ma! Uncle Garfield’s got a star spangled banner.”
by Ickybrainfartsyndrome April 4, 2023
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