He was diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago and had to make the biggest decision of his life, be hated and see her happy or love and destroy her.
samir will always be taking care of you
by Sorry.but... September 19, 2018
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The boy who left everything to see her smile, he has cancer.
by Sorry.but... September 30, 2018
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The boy who was diagnosed with cancer and had to make the biggest decision of his life
be hated and see her happy or love and destroy her
by Sorry.but... September 19, 2018
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Some ugly Arab who decided to be a math teacher and is horrible at it.
Boy1: Yoo mate my new math teacher is a fucking Samir, definitely gonna fail this class now.
Boy2: That suck bro, we should find him behind the school and beat him to death.
by Krille E January 28, 2020
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The most homosexual being in the world and even the entire world, this person enjoys rigorous fisting and the most extreme of sexual positions. His asshole capacity is far superior to all others and can even fit a replica of the Empire State Building or even a Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson action figure.
Samir got fucked so raw in the ass last night by this guy named Jesus.
by HeterosexualGod October 11, 2018
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A weed smoking individual who appears to resemble a smurf or referee. If you see a samir he is most likely to be addicted to marijuana.
Guy : "who's that ugly blue mother fucker with the striped t-shirt! He looks stoned!"

Guy 2: "oh that's samir"
by abdulbinshabaz August 1, 2011
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He is a nice gentle boy who doesn't talk a lot. He is a friendly person, you might wish that he is your friend.
Samir, the new boy, became the most popular in the class.
by I_am_your _father_nigger. October 22, 2018
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