A term used by the telecommunications industry to describe a transport circuit which is experiencing any combination of the following problems, line code violations, path code violations, errored seconds, severely errored seconds, unavailable seconds, ect.
That circuit's riding dirty, I can't even stream my p0rn!
by mememememmeme December 7, 2006
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That dude must be going at least 100m.p.h. and he's even riding dirty.
by D-man FL October 7, 2008
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Guy #1: Hi, my name is Andruw Jones, nice to meet you.
Girl #1: Hi I am Beyonce, it is nice to meet you.

hours later.....

Guy #1: I hit it from the back side.
Guy #2: Did you have a rubber?
Guy #1: Nah, I was riding dirty.
by Jason Caplan July 30, 2006
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Hey, when are you going to pull your underwear out of your ass?

Yea, they have been riding dirty for a while.
by Trolissa January 19, 2010
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Driving a car that is unclean, has a messed up paint job, has dents, doesn't have nice rims, or is just a hooptie. Riding dirty is the opposite of riding clean.
His '82 Cut Supreme was primer gray and half of the fender scraped the ground. He was riding dirty.
by Athena Pappas October 23, 2006
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Having intercourse while either covered or wallowing in vomit and feces.
The incontinent drunks were riding dirty in his sister's bed!
by Katie MacIntyre January 3, 2008
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Yo, did you see that Bigwig over there, he is totally riding dirty!
by snizzlewhoop July 11, 2008
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