Rarts; some stupid white boy who needs the shit kicked outtve him
Rarts is a white boy...
by Koal June 29, 2003
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adj., stupid or logically flawed in an obvious or glaring way, drunk, sloppy
Friend spend 30 minutes trying to find a remote that was on top of the tv the entire time.

"Dude, that's fucking rarted"
by Seth Fanning September 5, 2008
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an extremely distorted 😂 usually used as a reaction for something unfunny
by Wmln November 30, 2022
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A very large, rip roaring fart that cuts your butt cheeks like a razor.
Damn, that rart really hurt my ass.
by GolanGirl October 12, 2010
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similar to the derogatory term, retarded.
rarted is used more as a term to call someone when a person slips up or makes a mistake.
jim: hey what are you doinf today
john: dude you’re so rarted when it comes to spelling
jim: nigga kiss me already
by Jimbob boodlepom June 19, 2018
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An insult with roots from before time and is twice as destructive as Hiroshima. If said it can cause ultimate pain to the receivers groin, and then they drip dead.
Big Tim - "I think she likes me"

Uncle Sam - "Fuck off Tim no one likes you I don't know why I'm even here socialising with you, you're just a rarted spoon"
Big Tim - *Grabs groin in agony and dies*
by xXx_420pu55y5l4y3r69_xXx November 30, 2018
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