A repulsive person who has no idea what personal hygine is, they usually have very greasy hair/greasy face/smudged makeup/either no or very grimy looking teeth and each one of them have a distinct smell that either smells of garbage, asshole, or just plain shit. These cruds go days or even weeks without bathing. They are usually emotionally disturbed and think they are scene/emo. They often get into a lot of fights. They exchange clothing and other objects with the other cruds. Their clothing is usually slutty and revealing and very disgusting. When you smell a true crud you will literally gag because it is so intense and you can always smell it from a distance. Most of the time they are on drugs. Some of them wind up pregnant at a young age and reproduce future crud offspring in which should never ever happen, often cruds are a little whack in the brain
You: This place smells.
Someone: Yeah. It's swarming with cruds.

Does that crud even know what soap is?

These cruds are showing too much PDA and it is absolutely sickening.

There are too many cruds in Tower City
by danied6969 July 3, 2011
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When Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber broke up , crudded.
When your completly fucked in a situation. Crudded is the verb of cr
by Heyy🌺 November 15, 2016
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Some people say this is a swear word, it is a bad word used in kid's TV shows so it's okay to say. Its a less offensive word for shit and crap and is great for people who are afraid to swear to offensively. If you want to say it, say it when something goes terribly wrong.
Oh Crud! Someone saw us!!!
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An outbreak of Herpes Simplex II on the mouth, genitals, anus, or other body part.
Suzie didn't make Jimbo wear a condom, and now she's got the crud.
by Asherael November 21, 2007
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A name for the depression you feel after making a large monetary purchase. Often associated with anxiety and regret, even if there was initial excitement and joy leading up to and immediately following the purchase.
You just bought a new car or a flat screen TV... or you just returned from an exensive vacation. "My new TV is awesome, but I still have the crud from buying it." or "Today's my first day back at work after our trip to the South of France. Man have I got the vacation crud."
by Nilli February 18, 2009
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