abbreviated version of vagina, but cuter and usually involving some sort of pain
Ow, my niner
Go niners!
by margot March 21, 2003
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To look gay, stupid, weird. But more along the lines of looking like a gay, stupid, or weird german or jew.
"Wow look at that faggot, i hear he just moved here from germany. What a Niner!"
by mynameisshepimpsavage August 3, 2009
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Used when someone realizes that it's nine o'clock.
"Dude! Niner!"
by 0mni February 12, 2008
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Lab slang describing a group of quantum-computing researchers that has prepared a Bell-state using a two-qubit entangling gate with a fidelity equal or higher than 99 %.
German lab rat: The Raman laser is not locking again.
Indian lab rat: Hold my beer, I’m tweaking the PID parameters.
Spanish lab rat: Come on guys, without sideband-cooling we’re not Ninety-Niners anymore!
by Hyonoko September 29, 2021
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A woman who is a 4 but thinks she is a 9
Hey bro, look at this tinder thot forty niner requiring men be 6 feet tall, 6 figure income, looking like a model, and they are broke, far and aren’t even cute.
by MGTOW September 11, 2019
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A term used by students in grades ten and up to describe grade nines, especially those that are new to the school.
Generally identifiable by the large packs they hang around in, the lost, confused and sometimes excited or amazed look on their faces and the constant asking of directions to their classes.
See freshman
Grade Nine Student *Lost look on face*: Wheres Rm 154?
Grade Eleven Student*Looks Annoyed*: Down the hall and to the left
Grade Nine Student * Smiles *: Thanks!
Grade Eleven Student *Rolls Eyes* Whatever.
*Turns to Friends* Minor Niners
*Friends Nod in Agreement*
by k e l l bell* September 4, 2006
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Dude, I just totally dropped a niner cap. It looked like a brown boomerang in the toilet bowl.
by Lazynugz March 18, 2011
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