This person is the best person in the whole wide world. Someone you can love forever, with her beautiful smile, cute and kind nature, and a very comedic person too! No other person in this world is better to talk to than Marianna, and that's a fact! She is literally perfect in every single way without a doubt. No relationship can bridge a distance like a relationship with a Marianna.
You know that person named Marianna? She's the best!
by Flamestar SFM June 17, 2018
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Can often be a bitch and is never a good person to certain people. She can be often used a lot for her ass. No one actually likes her for who she is because she isn’t all that good looking and is often really drama filled. She is the town hoe but doesn’t know it.
“Marianna can be a definite bitch but she’s cool
by Urmom1234abcd June 19, 2019
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The most savage and cutest curviest chic ;) Dont fuck w her she'll like stab you
by vexxedvibes January 5, 2017
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A whore that has a boyfriend, unlike all her friends. She likes hanging out with boys even though she is very annoying. She’s a drama queen.
Ugh it’s Marianna, again”

“Why is she always so mean?”
by BestieForTheRestie🤪 May 30, 2019
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The best girl anyone could ask for. She knows all the hot and good tea. If she sees her boy in the hall she yells or runs away fast. She will always be by ur side no matter what and loves everyone. She knows you to the core. No matter what it will always be Macey forever.


Abi: come on Marianna ur the best and it will last forever
by Rosey148 May 1, 2019
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Marianna is probably the coolest person you ever met. She has huge eyes and beautiful hair. She is a little shy but once you get to know her she is super chill. She's very adorable but very awkward so if you have a chance to talk to a Marianna don't misunderstand her awkwardness for dislike. She's usually nice and prefers to stay quiet around drama. She's also unbelievably geeky but makes everyone smile.
Awww she's so cute! She must be a Marianna!

Oh I know she's quiet but she's actually really chill. Yea she's a Marianna.
by WOWOWZABLOOP February 2, 2016
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The hottest girl in the world she has nice but and damn she is actractive
The only reaction in the boy is that exemple

She is smart at everything if you know what i mean
I like your eyes Marianna do you wanna fuck
#marianna #hot #but #smart #sexy
by hoty.iel February 23, 2017
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