1. A fast food chain that serves fried chicken. And it is good.
2. Large or of large proportions
1. Lets go to Kentucky Fried Chicken and get some wings
2. That house is as big as Kentucky Fried Chicken
by oscar wilde April 10, 2005
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When two of on duty KFC employees team up to take down a fugative using common fast food restaurant items like chairs, hot grease ect
Employee 1 - holy crap a fugative
Employee 2 - dang
Fugative - OH SHIET
by fsadfdsafdsf July 31, 2009
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KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is a fast food restaurant chain which specializes in fried chicken. The first "Kentucky Fried Chicken" franchise opened in 1952. KFC was founded by Harland Sanders. By branding himself as "Colonel Sanders", Harland Sanders became a legendary figure of American cultural history, and his image remains prominent in KFC advertising. The company is famous for the "It's finger lickin' good" slogan, which originated in the 1950s. The trademark on that slogan expired in the United States in 2006. In 2011, the "finger lickin' good" slogan was dropped in favor of "So good".

"Here was the problem: Dwayne wanted Francine to love him for his body and soul, not for what his money could buy. He thought Francine was hinting that he should buy her a Colonel Sanders Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise, which was a scheme for selling fried chicken.

"A chicken was a flightless bird . . . The idea was to kill it and pull out all its feathers, and cut off its head and feet and scoop out its internal organs -- and then chop it into pieces and fry the pieces, and put the pieces in a waxed paper bucket with a lid on it . . ."

-- From Kurt Vonnegut's 1973 novel "Breakfast of Champions" -- Chapter 15 (page 157 - 158).
by Dinkum July 31, 2013
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UK slang

Any fast food chain that is lapse in it's standards of service. Term derives from an infamous incident at a Bristol KFC in the 1980's when Kentucy Fried Mouse was indeed on the menu.
I'm feeling peckish, I'm gonna pop out for a kentucky Fried Mouse.
by black flag June 2, 2004
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same in the end Brad Nowell Sublime

track marks abbess IV Drug use tricks up your sleeve

“Kentucky fried chicken is all I see
It’s a hellified way to start your day.”
“I light up in the back with those tricks up my sleeve.”

-Brad Nowell from Sublime. (Same in the end lyrics)

Kentucky fried chicken is reference to the IV drug uses footprint. Like track marks or abbesses all up ones sleeve (for discretion) all resemble Kentucky fried chicken to the arm. Abbesses more so but 90s so-cal lingo none the less.
Man Brad woke up screamin about his arm looking like Kentucky fried chicken when he went for his morning shot ..He missed a beast-shot last night and got another fried chicken lookin ass abbess on his arm! Gotta hide those tricks up the sleeve.
by 666evilcock666 February 26, 2020
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