slang word derived from old inuit language meaning used to describe someone who is beautiful, athletic, short tempered, smart, funny, sexy, and naive.
that chick is so kenna.
by phillip johnnson69 March 22, 2009
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She is a very talented smart girl, very outspoken. Can have a smart mouth at times , but she is a sweetheart. Doesn't think anything is impossible.
by jindlr March 13, 2017
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a girl who can make u lose control of ur mind and can give u a bj perfectly and will fuck
by clapped \ August 13, 2018
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scottish for "don't know". ken + na(nae)
i kenna fit it wis man!
by paul. April 26, 2006
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kenna, she beautiful and can get all the guys. she has v good friends and when she becomes friend with u she gets v close with them. she can easily make friends with her quirky and cute personality and can always light up the room with her laugh. she can be sensitive but it helps in the long run. she has an amazing body, when u first met her she might seem calm and chill but she has major crackhead energy. if u find a kenna don’t lose her!!
brent: who’s the new girl
josh: kenna, she’s v pretty and seems chill

maliyah: yes she is v pretty but is the biggest crackhead you’ll meet, i love her to death tho
by Maliyah0055! January 4, 2020
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A stuck up bitch, who tells your secrets and is a back staber. Kenna's are not truly your friend and uses you to compare herself to. Thinks she's the hottest in the world but in reality she is no more then an a average slut.
by kathy.smith February 26, 2017
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When you stick your meat rod in a filthy hooker's hot pocket then her fart box then her mouth repeatedly in that order while shouting "KENNA GIT A WHAT WHAT"
My friend Maurice and I went to Vegas last weekend and had us a Dirty Kenna
by Herbert the per...son April 6, 2020
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