im gonna go have a wash in the jub jub
by neen July 16, 2004
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i was bangin ur mom from behind and held onto her jubs for balance
by nye June 12, 2003
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Comes from "to Jack yoUr Buddy's whore." To hit on, or steal the hooker that your friend likes or is currently hitting on.

J = Jack
U = yoUr
B = Buddy's whore/hooker

to Jub
"Dude, he's totally falling for that bar girl. Let's go jub him!"

"Sorry, man, but I had to Jub your Bangkok girl last night. You understand, eh?"
by ThaiTommy December 21, 2006
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Verb: To eat a whole cheescake, cheeseburger or wheel of cheese in 10 or less minutes. Or To waist a whole day sleeping, only waking up to have a warm delight. This action is often done by a jub.
Ollie : Ew did you see that girl eat that whole wheel of cheese in less then 10 minutes??!!!
Ford : she totally Jubbed!
by jublover January 24, 2010
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Phrase for describing a socially inept individual who has quirky speech patterns and obsessive thought processes, while remaining bland and uninteresting.
He had what appeared to be lobotomy scars, a burrito-stained t-shirt that had a pickup line in Klingon. All I heard when he spoke was "Well, _basically_ *I* think that Data in Star Trek was jub-jub jub-jub..."
by Anonicker September 24, 2009
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