An actual, literal, majestically magnificent angel with amazing skills. He shines brighter than any celestial body in the universe. He is the universe.
Hwang Haejin? Um.. more precisely, he is MY universe.
by ( ˙꒳​˙ ) July 19, 2021
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The name given to an Asian who has a common white/black name
Chris : Hey squinty, whats your name?
John : John
Chris : Too white, your now Mai Hwang
John : I soooo Asian!
by John Bures March 8, 2008
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a korean name used for people who usually act very obnoxious and ignorant at sometimes. it is also known for sexyness.
hwang suk: hey i just figured out that girls have periods.
friend: so ?

hwang suk: your a girl, can u show me how it happens?
friend: *sighs*
by hannyboyyy12312314 November 19, 2009
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Many can agree that Hwang Hyunjin has an amazing charisma and can leave the audience shocked. Fans from all around the world had already settled that Hwang Hyunjin has a special after effect. His beauty is so stunning, you can't get your eyes off him. The Hwang Hyunjin effect is one of the consequences you can feel after being bias wrecked by him. His vocals, rap skills or even visuals can leave you blown away.
I can't breathe, i think im having the hwang hyunjin effect!

Hwang hyunjin effet is so intense ! That gaze, that stage presence! He really is memorable
by Hyunjinswives November 29, 2019
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