Noun: A large red neck that serves its master by day and cries in his beer at night. If you come in contact it will lie, cheat and steal to please it's quite older master. It denies all others for it's evil one.
Verb: to incessantly harass someone with things you need done for them or to call, text or chat excessively while your wife is away off putting everyone
Man) did you see that hester over there, I wonder if it's it got loose?
Woman) No, I see her...she's just old and slow.

Man 1) I couldn't get your boss off the phone last night

Man 2) his wife was out of town he was hestering
by Yepitzme August 7, 2020
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The man. The myth. The child molester. Dylan hester is one of the many retarded children. Most known for Wit Kettle. This man is very autistic and can't even spell his name
Man 1"You heard if dylan hester the child molester"
Man 2"That Wit Kettle kid"
Man1"yeah. He's a bit autistic"
by Anonymous12121313 March 9, 2020
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A well known driver in the American Sim Racing Series (ASRS) for dumping people for the win and making outlandish comments about other owners and drivers.
When a wreck happens. "Damn you Ty Hester."
by Winner12345678 February 25, 2017
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