In addition to tossing karl rove's salad, he wears green tampons and has a soggy vagina. Plus he's full of conservative horse shit and used toilet paper. Plus, he loves our soldiers, but when he got a chance to serve for this great country, he stayed at home and wacked off to pictures of Oliver North and Ronald Reagan. I wonder how he knows the definition of "fisting."
I saw Sean Hannity last night on Miracle Mile picking up a fat swamp donkey who looked like Ann Coulter.
by Jigga J March 18, 2005
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to earnestly propagate an idea so preposterous or warped that it makes a sensible person hail Satan in despair.
Hannity that Insanity some more, Dude, because no one is listening.
by hailbot666 July 22, 2011
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He simply works for the New World Order. His job, and Rush Limbaugh's, is to keep the conservative right so confused and angry that they can't see the real enemy. They rail about the superfiscial difference between Democrats and Republicans so we can't come together as a nation. And what's works. Ok that's not a definition. So sue me.
Sean Hannityy (Rush Limbaugh want-to-be traitor)
by SS396 November 9, 2006
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Someone who calls out malarkey as he sees it.
Wow that guy really called out the libtard's and their retarded ass bullshit with that youtube video, is he Sean Hannity?

Don't come at me with that 'Biden won the election fairly and has no cognitive issues' bullshit or I'mma Sean Hannity yo ass!
by Icy Wyte July 8, 2022
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Sean Hannity is an "Conservative" american talk show host for FOX NEWS (RINO News), Who is also employed by the CIA in order to promote RINOs and RINO ideology (Neo"conservatism") within the Republican Party (GOP), He even has his own CIA agent badge pin.

Sean Hannity is commonly seen flirting with his gay boyfriend, Lindsey Graham, Who is also a neocon RINO.
by Misinformation Spreader May 22, 2023
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