In poker, stands for Fancy Pants Syndrome, or alternatively, Fancy Play Syndrome.

If you're constantly getting fancy, betting in a non-standard and deceptive way rather than value-betting your good hands and checking/folding your bad ones, you're probably suffering from Fancy Play Syndrome. Especially if it comes back to bite you.
Why did you check the nuts on the river in this hand? Looks like you're suffering from a case of FPS.
by Poker monkey August 29, 2007
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FPS has three meanings.
1. FPS: A First Person Shooter is a type of game where you play as if your eyes are the character's, and the game involves shooting down opponents and in general wreaking havoc and inflicting massive damage to giant enemy crabs.
2. FPS: Frames Per Second helps when it comes to animations on computers. Setting an animation to 1 frame per second would cause the image to change every second, while 24 would show good, smooth animation. It is primarily used in Flash Animations and animated .GIFs, so that coo.
3. FPS: Feet Per Second is often times how a bullet or similarly shot projectiles are measured.
1. So I came over to my friend's house and said "hay, wanna play halo 3 beta?" and he's all liek "ya, FPS's are teh shiznit"
2. My friend laughed loudly at my .GIF when he saw how unsmoothly it animated. "What did you set the FPS to on this one!? HAHAHA!"
3. It took about .001 for the bullet to meet the man's head. Holy crap that hurt.
by quartzlcc November 18, 2007
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friend: do have instagram acc?

you: yes but it's a fp
by wydbrendon April 13, 2016
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fp mate, i would

i know mate, who wouldn't?
by slaaaaaaaag December 26, 2007
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Guy 1: Dude, she was hot when I took her home but when I woke up this morning she gained 200 pounds!
Guy 2: *FP*
by Hameed Bach December 6, 2010
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a film statistic for "fucks per second," referring to the number of times fuck is said in a movie per second. Currently, no movie holds a score of over 1.
Did you see Nil By Mouth? it has the highest fps of any real movie ever!
by Jesus Bjornugson January 13, 2010
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