Aetheric Extraphysics is a branch of extraphysics and a hypothesis on extraphysics where the Aether is actually an extraphysical substance that exists at extraphysical level, and that supposedly is one of the susbtances that separates the physical of the extraphysical and Aether cannot be detected by any physical means but its interaction with the physics can be completely explained by physical ways, according to Aether Extraphysics, aether is more a substance that separated the physical from the extraphysical and it's considered the essential separation between the physical and extraphysical."Aetheric Extraphysics seeks on the study of Aether "Aetheric Extraphysics seeks on the study of Aether and how it would be possible to detect it by extraphysical means, and even understand what separates the physical from the extraphysical and the field/border between both, physics and extraphysics.
"Aetheric Extraphysics seeks on the study of Aether and how it would be possible to detect it by extraphysical means, and even understand what separates the physical from the extraphysical and the field/border between both, physics and extraphysics."
by Full Monteirism April 18, 2021
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Experimental Extraphysics is a branch of extraphysics that seeks to experiment extraphysical theories, such as extraphysical mechanics, extraphysical computing and extraphysical level theory.
"Experimental Extraphysics would be the area of science that would be necessary to spend around trillions of dollars at initial investment on it, mainly because the technological needs of it and because the search for extraphysical existence and for extraphysical life."

"Experimental extraphysics really shows extraphysics are not a pseudoscience, but a field of science that would be necessary tons of investment and research on it. So, let's consider extraphysics as a protoscience for now."
by Full Monteirism January 6, 2021
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Extraphysical Entanglement is an extrahysical phenomenon that occurs when a pair or group of particles/things is generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in a way such that the extraphysical state of each particle of the pair or group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles are separated by a large distance. Extraphysical entanglement and extraphysical superposition are the heart of extraphysical mechanics, and both united are what differs extraphysical mechanics to quantum mechanics and classical mechanics.
"Extraphysical Entanglement and Extraphysical Superposition are both fundamental concepts inside extraphysical mechanics and extraphysical theory, both makes extraphysical theory gets the form the theory is and differ extraphysical mechanics to quantum mechanics and classical mechanics."

"If extraphysical theory is really correct, it is a theory that deserves several, if not a lot, of Nobel Prizes, mainly if people managed to reproduce extraphysical entanglement and extraphysical superposition in an objective and experimental way everyone can see it."
by Full Monteirism February 8, 2021
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The extraphysical aliens theory, also referred as extraphysical alien theory, is an extraphysicalist theory that supports that majority of the extraterrestrial intelligent life forms have evolved to the extraphysical level and it's almost or literally impossible to detect them by the conventional physical detectors and radars, where they can appear or dissapear whatever they want but humans can barely detect them, supporting that almost all or literally all extraterrestrial intelligent civilizations have evolved to the extraphysical level as consequence to keep their existence and still interact with the physical level when necessary or when they want. Extraphysical alien theory uses of concepts of extraphysicalism and of extraphysical mechanics as well to explain its theory well.
"The extraphysical aliens theory might be really useful to justify why we cannot detect aliens at all and even explain a lot about ufo contacts, starseeds and all else related to extraterrestrial intelligence and what would be necessary for we detect and contact objectively extraphysical intelligence."
by Full Monteirism April 16, 2021
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Extraphysical Level Theory if a framework theory inside extraphysical mechanics that uses ideas and mathematics for advocates that there are actually N levels (dimensions / worlds) inside extraphysical mechanics, starting with the material level, that could be the level 0 or level 1 and going into the level n. But, there is a point on those n levels that they simply start to make no difference and simply start to become a stabilized void, this start level is called "divine level" and the void it is called "divine void", where it simply keeps expanding but the difference (variable) among the levels is zero or almost zero.
"I am studying about extraphysical level theory, and it is a completely crazy theory, even more crazier than string theory and superquantum mechanics, but it makes a bit sense if you look into its maths."

"Extraphysical Level Theory actually shows the possibility of existence of spiritual worlds and of heavens, but also, we cannot forget there is also Negative Extraphysical Level Theroy that it deals with -n levels below the 0 level (the material level), creating the negative divine level and the negative divine void."

"Extraphysical Level Theory is a mindblowing for me such as the whole Extraphysical Mechanics thing."
by Full Monteirism January 2, 2021
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The Extraphysical Aliens Theory (EPAT), also Extraphysical Extraterrestrials Theory (EPETT), Post-Physical Aliens Theory (PPAT), Post-Spacetime Aliens Theory (PSTAT), Post-Physical Extraterrestrials Theory (PPETT) or Post-Spacetime Extraterrestrials Theory (PSTETT), is a theory that holds that extraterrestrials have evolved into an extraphysical level of being by becoming post-physical / post-spacetime by technological or by spiritual means. The extraphysical aliens theory also supports that by the time that extraterrestrials have existed, they've already evolved into an extraphysical level of civilization and they exist beyond physics/matter and beyond the spacetime. The extraphysical aliens theory also supports that there might have extraphysical alien worlds at extraphysical level as well as the so called "gods" and "spiritual beings" might actually be aliens that or already existed at extraphysical level or were physical aliens that evolved into an extraphysical level of being or by technology or by spiritual means.
The Extraphysical Aliens Theory is an interesting theory about aliens, despite a lot of people are against that and there's a big criticism towards it, the theory is still valid and might be correct somehow.
by Dumugian October 16, 2021
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The Physical-Extraphysical Dependence Paradox, also PED paradox, PEpD paradox, PEDP and PEpDP, is a thought experiment and a hypothesis, or a couple of thought experiments and hypothesis, where it argues that there's a dependency between physics and extraphysics and where the physical body is dependent of the extraphysical body and vice-versa, where the extraphysical body cannot influence the physical body in the sense of create energy and work, often use of arguments against mind-body dualism and physicalist arguments to show that physical and extraphysical bodies are dependent of each other and the extraphysical is really dependent of the physical body and vice-versa. A counter-argument used against PEDP is that the physical and extraphysical are same things on different levels, such as on extraphysical monism, where it makes sense both be dependent of each other and even that the extraphysical is actually physical and vice-versa and everything depends how you see and interpret the relation between physics and extraphysics.
"The Physical-Extraphysical Dependence Paradox can easily be explained by extraphysical monism where the physical and extraphysical are the same thing on different levels and forms, but still, it's a nice way to show that extraphysics can be valid and that can survive to this kind of disapproval and experimentation, but there still might be a lot of other disapprovals and experiments that extraphysics will pass until be accepted as part of our reality."
by Full Monteirism May 6, 2021
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