Erin is a girl who loves to laugh. She's kind and an amazing listener, who gives the best advice. Erin is always there for her friends, even when they aren't there for her. Erin is intelligent. She has a very good score in all her classes, and generously offers to help others bring up their grades. She does charity work and volunteers often. Erin is a kind girl who always thinks of others before herself. She is sweet, adorable, tall, funny and beautiful inside and out. Erin is friends with many guys, but doesn't notice when they like her. Erin is great. Erin is by no means shy, but is quieter than most because she doesn't like interrupting her friends. She makes friends easily but often ridicules herself and wonders if they actually care about her.
girl wow erin is amazing, she helped me study!
by Biggest L March 25, 2019
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The absolute most perfect girl in the world, and even her flaws are more beautiful than any other girl's perfections. She's the cutest thing on this earth =
by ShawnCondon May 1, 2008
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Body of a goddess, brain of a genius, face of an angel. You don't find many girls like Erins. They're very flirty, and they don't last in relationships to often. Erin's are very independent, and don't need a guy to be happy. They are capable to make anyone laugh or smile. They can smoke just as much as any guy and can probably out drink you, good lucky keeping up with these crazy bitches. If your luck enough to get on, you better hold on to her ;)
She's perfect, she has to be an Erin.
by Secret MJ February 10, 2009
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The most crazy awesome girl you will ever meet! Erin in very smiley and loves to goof around and have fun. Erins are the most attractive beings on Earth and and very smarticle!! Their sexiness draws hot guys named Jacob to them. Overall, the best girl you'll meet. This ones a keeper!
Daaaayyumm! Erin is lookin fine today!!
by daayuumhotness November 15, 2011
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Best friend someone could ever wish for. When you find an erin yu should hold on to them forever. Never be mean to an erin because they can be very nasty if messed with.

Beutiful,pretty,nice,talented,kind,polite,hot,smart,sexy...they are all words to describe an erin.
Man 1: Hey dude, did you see that girl,she was so nice AND smart.
Man 2: I know man, She even asked me if i wanted her to tuter me!
Man 1: Damn she has to be an erin.
by MissMaybeImNot July 12, 2009
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She is a really pretty but often seems like she's high. Really high. She is mental but that makes her really fun to be around. She also speaks her mind and tells the truth when it's needed but often doesn't know when to not say something.
Person 1: omg that girl is so much fun to be around, she was mental.
Person 2: sounds like an Erin mate.
by I'm telling the truth May 15, 2020
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