When you want to fuck someone you have next to no chance of fucking
Man 1: Imma fuck Lisa one day
Man 2: You ain't fuckin her, that's a pipe dream
by DumDumtheGenius January 25, 2023
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When you just want that cock so bad that you’re dreaming day and night about it.

Very sus, but admittedly so. Can be used as a compliment.

In reference to Kusorare’s openly homosexual gay hip-hop lyrics. Famous for his gay version of Gummo (Cummo), Sickomode (Dickomode), and A lot (A lot of bootie).
«That boy is my pipe dream
«I want that dick in my dreams. Call it pipe dream.»
«Can’t get this pipe dream out of my head. I want it
by PipeKing April 15, 2021
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I dreamed that you want to happen, but it’s very unlikely and will probably never happen
It’s a pipe dream to be with your best friend for the entirety of your life
by Fruit Hunter April 6, 2023
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A concept that is Invented in one’s head, but in all actuality, has 0% chance of working-

This term is generally used when one meets their own fate “biting more than one can chew.”

A.K.A “Eyes Bigger Than Stomach Syndrome.”
Me: Man! That dude! He had a pipe dream that he could actually beat me!

Friend: (Witness)- Wow! He swallowed his own teeth!

Me: I expected more of a fight- I think he swallow his teeth-
by yourface019 January 10, 2021
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A concept that is Invented in one’s head, but in all actuality, has 0% chance of working-

This term is generally used when one meets their own fate “biting more than one can chew.”

A.K.A “Eyes Bigger Than Stomach Syndrome.”
Me: Man! That dude! He had a pipe dream that he could actually beat me!

Friend: (Witness)- Wow! He swallowed his own teeth!

Me: I expected more of a fight- I think he swallow his teeth-
by yourface019 January 10, 2021
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