Slang for any shitty or macrobrewed beer. Comes from the expression "dilly dilly" from the famous Bud Light ads.
Guy: "Hey man, I picked up a case of Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat."
Dude: "Di-fucking-sgusting."
Guy: "What? I thought you liked that beer."
Dude: "Psssht, maybe in 2009. Ever since AB-InBev bought them that beer is straight-up dilly."
by Nicholas D November 19, 2018
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Michelle liked to lick her boyfriends Dilly everyday.
by Stamp Lick March 18, 2011
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A tablet of Dilaudid® a strong analgaesic (hydromorphone hydrochloride 1, 2, 3, 4, or 8 mg) derived from morphine and invented in Germany in 1926; it is eight times stronger than morphine via the intravenous route and therefore marginally stronger than heroin.
I finally got relief from the injury after the doctor switched me from Vicodin to some 3 mg Dillies.
by anon September 27, 2004
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"he was being such a dillis about it"

"She failed her GCSEs, what a dillis!"
by Paynerisadillis June 17, 2017
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Something all women want for pleasure, often a nickname for their dildo.
I can't find my dilly, as soon as I do I'm so going to use him to pleasure me every night.
by Dilshan7 February 25, 2019
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The act of being silly with mayhem. To be a scrub and cause mayhem all day and every day. Founded by Robert Janas.
Dude did u see what Krevin just did? He's being so dilly.
by phillydilly December 8, 2010
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