The medical term to describe the acute onset of paranoia and psychosis regarding director/producer/screenwriter/composer/actor J.J. Abrams. Symptoms include hyperbolic statements with the fixation of lens flares and shakey camera angles. Abrams Derangement Syndrome typically affects nerds and geeks with selective amnesia who seem to forget that the Star Wars prequels were garbage, and so was Star Trek: Nemesis and Star Trek: Enterprise. But for some reason, J.J. Abrams is worse than George Lucas, Rick Berman and Brannon Braga combined.
Person 1: "I took my girlfriend to see Star Trek Into Darkness. We thought that was a great movie!"

Person 2: "JJ Abrams is the worst thing to happen to Star Trek! There were lens flares everywhere and he absolutely ruins the franchise! God, I can't even imagine what he'll do to Star Wars!"

Person 1: "I think you should smoke a bowl, dude. You're suffering from serious Abrams Derangement Syndrome."
by T-Rocknrolla September 14, 2013
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A term used to describe a mentality a minority of New Zealand citizens suffer from, (often National voters and the antivax), in which they blame their day to day problems on the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Usually problems that have no relation to Ardern’s actions or personal views.

They also frequently spout their opinion that she runs the worst government ever, despite the fact that the economy is in good shape, unemployment and child poverty is down, minimum wages were boosted above inflation, and healthcare continues to receive more funding than ever before. - While previous governments had all the same perceived failures without any of these successes.

Those that suffer from Ardern Derangement Syndrome may be seen at public stores turning over copies of Woman’s Weekly and books featuring Jacinda Ardern. Or met at a limited number of family gatherings where a single individual will spend the entire day talking about how bad Jacinda is, that they ruin the day for everyone around them by spouting political nonsense rather than enjoying time with family.
Jane: Awful weather we’re having today, isn’t it?

Carl: It’s all Cindy Ardern’s fault! She’s using a weather controlling machine to personally ruin our day, my day specifically. Worst government ever!

David: Jane, don’t bother talking to Carl, he has Ardern Derangement Syndrome and cannot be helped. Everything will revert back to Jacinda. He told me it was personally the Prime Minister’s fault his neighbour's dog shat on his lawn too.
by MikeHosking January 14, 2023
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DbD Derangement Syndrome refers to the medically diagnosed condition affecting many ex-Dead by Daylight players, that although no longer play the game, still willingly choose to stick around community hubs to criticize the game, it's developers and any community figures for any perceived wrong-doing, regardless of how minor, causing great annoyance to any current players who just wish these people would leave them alone.
"I hope this game goes under soon, there's not a single game I wish to see die so badly. DbD doesnt deserve its fame or money"

"Didn't you stop playing months ago?"

"Yeah, I haven't touched it for a year."

"Man, you really suffer from some severe DbD Derangement Syndrome."
by JoeThyHoe June 11, 2021
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The reality-bending form of dementia that Donald Trump suffers from. Characterised by a juvenile temperament, obsessive lying and a grotesquely bloated ego.

By extension, the term is also used to describe Trump supporters' curious inability or unwillingness to notice that the man is utterly cracked.

A third, possibly ironic, use is to pretend that Trump critics are somehow deranged for pointing out the glaringly obvious.
Reporter: The president just smeared Big Mac sauce over all his body and ran naked through the streets of Washington, DC, screaming about fake news and reptilian space aliens. Your thoughts, Mr. Fluffer?

Fluffer: Well, he's not a traditional politician. That's why we love him and why millions voted for him. Haters like you are just suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, always trying to find a reason, any reason, to criticize him.
by ouiaerhtmjv09qu4y5j7rhtkgadpo September 8, 2019
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When you waste your time on nothing but resenting of hating white people.
Douglas thinks all white people are evil and that there should have never ever been a single white person ever, he clearly has White Derangement Syndrome.
by PhoenixGamer34 December 24, 2021
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Tyler Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is an illness that arises when someone has a seething hatred or infatuation with famous Discord celebrity Tyler with the Misfits skull profile picture. Users will often scream at Tyler or @ him in an attempt to get his attention like an obsessive ex-girlfriend. Tyler usually responds by laughing at the user and not giving a shit.
Damn, that guy is really seething about Tyler. He must be afflicted with Tyler Derangement Syndrome
by alphamerch March 10, 2021
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The latest attempt by the alt-right to demonise anybody who thinks that maybe putting a reality TV star who's declared bankruptcy six times in charge of the country might not have been the best idea.
"So what if Trump only told the complete truth throughout 4% of his campaign, and had to settle out of court for that fraud trial, and that he reacts like a spoilt brat on Twitter to any kind of criticism? Geez, you libtard SJW snowflakes just have accept democracy won and stop exercising your right to free speech! You're so negative with your Trump Derangement Syndrome!"
by post-truthpillock January 18, 2017
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