Where a girl is being railed by 3 guys at once and they all cum in sequence, and she can't clean up all of it and gets pregnant.
Yeah me and my guys were railing this girl last night, gave her a Dedicated Denial of Service, shit was lit bro.
by notcommiesquirrel January 11, 2021
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One who is a company man. Works through breaks and lunches to please the boss. Never gives up on ass kissing.
Wilmer Campbell is a dedicated mother fucker.
by bubba02 July 2, 2014
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High dedication means go for it. Go beyond your comfort point and do everything. Dedicate yourself.
Greg: you wanna go to the beach and fish?

Finn: High Dedication
by Trizum January 7, 2018
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a dedication tweet is an expression of Jah’s Love for all of her mutuals
you: “hello Jah, one dedication tweet please☝️☺️”
Jah : “certainly, one coming right up”
by sheiownshrowmwhe ww May 5, 2024
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a dedication tweet is an expression of Jah’s Love for her mutuals
you: “hello ily, may i have one dedication tweet please”
Jah: “on it.”
by sheiownshrowmwhe ww May 5, 2024
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