A black racist commedian, who loves to label whites as racist, yet demonstrates just as much racism, hatred and bigotry against whites.
These crackers are racist!

You're a racist!

Go home, cracker whiteboy.
by jacksonville September 15, 2004
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Host of 'Chappelle's Show' on Comedy Central. Bases all of his jokes around racism and the word 'cracker'. Has the whole white male teenage population wrapped around his finger just because he gets away with saying nigger when no one else does.
If I hear one more effing person say 'I'm Rick James, bitch'... I might just slice myself with a rusty garden shovel
by JBo July 1, 2005
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a bad ass motherfucker who sreaks his
don;t fuck with him.........................................
by bugsyleeo21 January 27, 2005
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1. A hilarious man.
2. Someone who gets a $50 million contract and still leaves a highly successful tv show due to racism.
Damn, Dave Chappelle, I never knew a $50 million contract = racism
by Adrian July 3, 2006
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