The best Chippy in all of Coventry astonishing food such as the Mobius meal and the Fortnite meal now becoming a meme fad With millions making the pilgrimage every day
by Alboothy May 29, 2022
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The best chippy in all of the land ( Coventry)Is that the millions take the pilgrimage every year to get things such as the Morbius meal And the Fortnite meal
by Alboothy May 29, 2022
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A popular location, also known for its popularity on social media.
Person 1: I’m going to Binley Mega Chippy later

Person 2: cool
by jkzd June 3, 2022
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some ordinary chippy shop like no other who got hyped up for no reason because of the text to speech singing voice. there is nothing special about binley mega chippy, and i have no idea why people hyped it up.
jody: “let’s go to binley mega chippy!”
joey: “absolutely not
by lengstyll June 4, 2022
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