A teenage boy that doesn't hit puberty for a large amount of his life and has an extremely small penis.
by onjaonkrack November 6, 2011
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1. The physical embodiment of all that is gay, fake and weak.

2. A male that will never reach puberty, not even with testosterone therapy. Thus having underdeveloped balls indefinitely.

3. A fag who should of just stuck to being a quire boy.
1. I can't believe you went and got fudge-packed, You are such a Bieber!

2. That kid turned 22 and still didn't hit puberty. It's classic Bieber syndrome.
by TheKegBringer October 18, 2010
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A unit of measurement describing the size of a penis.
1 Bieber = 0.6 inches
by SUPA FUG DUP May 24, 2014
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A person that made everybody make a definition of Justin Bieber being gay or having a small penis (which is all true)
1) Bieber is a homo

2) A small dick

3) Haven't hit puberty yet/or never will in his life

4) Has lots of definitions of being gay/having a small dick/not hitting puberty yet
by Oshkoshbigosh February 8, 2011
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annoying, short, stupid, retarted, gay, high pitched, slow,ugly, fagtastic
Dude, quit being all bieber! or STFU! YOUR VOICE IS SO BIEBER!!
by Mrs.BillKaulitz January 29, 2010
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Normal guy 1 : Hey look at that toolbag wearing pink.
Normal guy 2: Wow what a fucking bieber.
by noyfbf February 10, 2011
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1. Another name for Satan
2. A slang for a gay guy
3. The reason why i hate pop today
1. I heard that Sally is a belieber
3. I hate bieber.
by Some guy that eats tacos January 1, 2011
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