he is normally very single, gets his heart broken. one day he'll find someone with the same value as him. soccer legend
will bennett, kinda sexy
by youdontknowwhoiamsostopguessin November 19, 2019
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1. A gentleman who is so deep in the closet he is finding Christmas presents. He is typically very sloppy when sober, and the sloppiest douche on the planet when intoxicated. Loyal, clumsy and quite a goon. He's the friend you talk about when he's not there, and talk about more when he is. Skillful in the art of picking up dudes and water-beast like women. He is also avid in the consumption of performance enhancing drugs. He checks you out when you work out with him.

2. Something that is generally complete faggotry

Synonyms: Rob, Rab
1. Man, that dude is so damned Bennett

2. That little faggot just knifed me, that's Bennett
by 23424534567 February 4, 2010
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The act of using your adam's apple to balance lube while engaging in gay sex.
This is gonna take both hands Larry, good thing I know how to Bennett
by Brimstove January 20, 2010
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"I'm Bennett, leader of Benny's Adventure Team!"
bennett is a sweet boy from genshin impact, everybody loves him and if u dont, what is wrong with you🤨🤨😐

he is very unlucky(as he says) and his past is sad :(

he's also razor's best friend and boyfriend.

"You're headed off? Cool. It was awesome adventuring with you. We should totally do it again!"
person 1: I really love bennett!! he's in my team
person 1: good luck pulling him!!
by minty<3 April 4, 2021
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A person or persons who believe in the existance of aliens. In addition, is known to regard all writings of people that are self proclaimed doctors as "Documented Fact." While at the same time thinking doctors do not hold any knowledge of the human body.
That guy is such a bennett. He thinks the human race is clones of an alien race trying to escape from something that was chasing them.
by Steve Bracken August 9, 2006
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Person 1: OMG! I hate that Bennett!
Person 2: IKR! I just shat on him yesterday!
by reereegodz May 31, 2019
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