Where you have your girlfriend close her eyes, and you set your ballsack over her nose (facing towards her feet), so that one nut is covering each eye, then you blow your wad into her mouth from this position.
wow, she let him cover her eyes with his nuts while he came in her mouth! She must like Arabian Beer Goggles
by Flip in Toledo May 1, 2009
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When you wake up the morning after a long night of drinking and realize that the person you took home is actually a lot better looking than you remember.
Mel: "The guy in my bed this morning was super hot!! I thought he was just average looking last night."

Aileen: "You must have had reverse beer goggles."
by The Duchess of Drinking October 29, 2009
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The strange appearance of contact lenses which elevate previously obnoxious multi warted hogs, to the status of worth having a go on.
"feels warm, smells nice, female... Good start, FUCK Me, i must of been wearing my beer Goggles, hope i had brewers droop, cus i'd hate to see the offspring of this one".
by stouffer March 5, 2003
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When you think a chick is attractive before drinking, but after you have a new perspective from alcohol consumption, she's not so hot.
Dude, I was waiting to get a little buzz before I hit on that chick but now she looks gross. I think I have reverse beer goggles, I need to be sober and desperate to hit that.
by slipsonic September 26, 2015
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A condition in which the effects of alcohol give a person of the opposite sex unattractive qualities, but when they sober up they're hot.
He was all squinty and loud when he was drunk, but it must've been reverse beer goggles because when he sobered up the next morning, he was hot.
by Cat8040 March 29, 2010
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When someone takes a picture that's so blurry it emulates how one would see if wearing beer goggles i.e. was drunk.
The pictures in this Facebook album are great... Except for that last beer goggle photo that was uploaded where you can't make anything out.

Ugly Person: I look better in my beer goggle photo because no one can see past it's blurriness.
by spinal_compression July 25, 2009
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