Absolutely amazing smart guy with many redeeming qualities. Cherish him.
by Cilantro Chan December 1, 2017
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someone who is emo or is acting emo
Whiny male that eventually grows into an angry old man that ends up regrettable and dead in the long run
Someone who acts too big for their britches or acts entitled or if they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth..

In reference to how Hayden Christensen portrayed Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars Episode 1 and 2
He is such an Anakin..

Way to Anakin that situation dude..

He acted so Anakin about it
You all are a bunch of Anakins!!
by DivaLadyLove November 21, 2010
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A very romantic handsome young man . He can put a smile on any girls face, which isn't always a good thing .. Everyone needs an Anakin he is sweet and romantic but cool and fun to be around at the same time. What more could you ask for ?
by Mrstealyagirl May 14, 2014
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A nickname often given to someone so incredibly stupid that these inhuman super powers of stupidity must have been granted by the Sith.
"I call Matt...Anakin, because he's the Darth Vader of stupid".
by Stunt January 11, 2005
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The one that doesn't have the high ground, resulting in his legs and his other arm being sliced off and being burned
Obi Wan: "it's over Anakin, I have the high ground!"

Anakin: "you underestimate my power"

Obi Wan: "don't try it!"

-Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan-
by WungyChungy66 May 13, 2020
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This phrase is used when you have the high ground. Usually before saying that you have the high ground.
Obi Wan Kenobi: It's over Anakin,i have the high ground.
Anakin: You understimate my power
Obi Wan Kenobi: Don't try it.
by Lenny Fatemian June 12, 2019
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When the action of one’s doing to prevent something ends up being the catalyst for its occurrence. For example, if I set out to save a fish, and my attempt to save the fish ends up getting the fish killed, then this is Anakin’s Paradox.
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith really showcases Anakin’s Paradox.
by SithLordTrevor November 4, 2019
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