A superior individual, with a marked aptitude in athletics and academics. Well versed in a number of activities, ranging from drinking and dominating a particular team from austin to excelling in life after college. These individuals are known for beating t.u. on a regular basis
"Dude, how can you tell he's an Aggie?"
"He's driving a Ferrari, has two supermodels, and lives in a 20,000 sq ft house, all while maintaining a friendly attitude"
by XRay Cat II November 23, 2007
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Damnit! An Aggie just walked in that’s why all the women are leaving.
by Tom Nakedhead October 15, 2017
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"Aye bro Bryan aggy as fuck, he keep doing that dumb ass shit"
by kalakala1 September 28, 2019
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A blanket, often an Afghan, used to wrap around ones self to keep warm. Can also be used as a pillow.
"You're looking cold. Would you like an Aggy?"
by JDJC1982 August 26, 2015
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To get completely trashed and destroyed.
What if Donald Trump did trivia? He would get completely Aggied.
by Lit_God March 13, 2018
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Slang for aggravating, annoying. It can also be used in a joking manner.
Dam, my mom is being aggy I’m going to call you back. Or haha he’s so cute with his aggy self
by Keeks_121 February 14, 2018
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when a gay and a lesbian have sex and produce a mutated ginger racoon.
-god that clare is an aggy
-actualy she is a ginger tampon
by heatherrr h September 22, 2007
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