Harold. Where to start. Harold's are known to be the epitome of of masculinity. Girls are known to swoon over their insanely good looks topped by their unbeatable wit and rumoured big members. Almost always white, the paleness of their skin resinates to that of snow. Known to be the purest from of white supremacy. If you are a beautiful white girl searching for you almost too perfect match a Harold is juts for you. WARNING. In some very very every very very rare cases, some have found Asian Harolds!!! If this is the case run. The member size earlier praised is the opposite i this case. Asian Harolds often hit puberty very late or never!!! Some girls have found though despite their lack of manhood, they are still the most kind, thoughtful and funniest guys to meet. They seem to carry plenty of followers and fans that admire their confidence and vibe. If found be sure to keep. They are easily loved and will easily love you, more so if you are a decent height, purple haired goth bitty with the name of T. Love you Harold.
Rachel : OMGG look at that cutie.
Girl 2: Gurrl thats Harold.
Rachel : Wait isn't he asian.
Girl 3: Oh you better watch out, he belongs to that purple haired goth

T: This is for Rachel, you big fat white nasty smelling fat bitch.
Why you took me off the motherfucking schedule
with your trifling dirty white racist ass,
you big fat bitch oompa loompa
body ass bitch?
by whoisyourdaddymayIasksir? January 20, 2020
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When someone rolls a super horrible cannibas cigarette. it can be too loose. looks pregnant, to tight and just barley smokes.
Example 1
stoner1 - hey man did you pick up?
stoner2- yeah dude. i rolled it all up
stoner1 - kk lets get atter
stoner2- yea sorry i was in a hurry so i rolled a bunch of harolds.

Example 2
guy-finally we got some bud! lets roll it up!
other guy - kk ill do it
guy - NO. you can only roll harolds! ill do it.
other guy - v.v
by leaglise-it420 December 7, 2009
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A really gross boy who smells of sweat and looks sweaty all the time. Loveable himself a lot and can sometimes be described as a “sket”,”hoe”,”slut”, or “🐍ey”.
“Oh that Harold is such a snake
“Harold tries not to flex constantly”
“Man,that Harold is a big hoe
by Niamph Murphy April 20, 2019
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The ultimate master of swag. That man who disapprovingly chuckles at your code over your shoulder when you least expect it. The legendary Harold McGee. He'll tell you to read your Barron's book, to do your coding bat, to stop tubing in Aruba. But in the end, come the day of the ap exam, you're gonna be sitting there, sweating bullets, trying to find the default color of an actor in GridWorld. And he's just gonna be sitting there, laughing his head off, yelling IT'S BLUE!
Man, yesterday our chem teacher pulled a Harold McGee and made us do a ton of exercises while ranting about the ap exam!
by kirbyquerby February 18, 2015
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Possibly one of the best STONER flicks beause it just so absolutley true!
We're so high right now, we're not low......
by Chris Chester Kumar Shibby February 28, 2005
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Gale Harold is the epitome of sex. His mere presence can make any male or female swoon. Gale Harold has starred in productions (mostly indie films)such as Showtime's hit series Queer As Folk, playing the main character Brian Kinney, Fathers and Sons, Wake, Social Grace, The Unseen...etc...If you love tall brunette's with killer smiles and unbelievably hot bodies, you will Love Gale Harold!
Gale Harold is a talented actor and he is gorgeous!
by Gale's loverly teen lover April 10, 2006
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