The pile of shit left beside the toilet at Myers by some punk ass kids.
The act of crapping on the floor, to annoy other patrons and janitorial staff of public washrooms.
I was out grocery shopping with the old lady and wet to the can. Some jerk laid a Duncan.

Just for kicks, my buddy left a Duncan at a Walmart.
by Dynamite65 July 20, 2014
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they are probably a nerd who will go to a grammar school and be president one day .
by iluv_me April 16, 2021
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A nickname for a family of very similar looking people that have possibly inbred.
Phillip: "Did you see them?"
Average Joe: "Yeah they all looked the same!"
Phillip: "The Duncans or what?!"
by Philpac September 10, 2008
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A bitch ass fagot that has a tiny dick and no girls want him. A Dumb ass that does not know how to spell words. And says he is smart but really is not.
Duncan is a fagot
by Duck duck dick December 27, 2019
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a strange little man with a love for puns and being all-around obnoxious. stay away from him at all costs.
Duncan: H-
Me: don't. just don't.
by duncanhater000 February 13, 2018
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A dude that loves them girls with the ghetto booty
Duncan: "I love them ghetto booty's"
by Bitchboy7 January 22, 2018
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A twat who loves himself. You just know a Duncan when you see one.
"omg, he's walking like a gay".
"he must be a DUNCAN"
by nfie August 24, 2011
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