the day when your parents/ friends who are taken give u one pathetic piece of chocolate from their whole box they got from their s/o and u feel single asf
person: hi mum
mum: hi kiddo, oh you didnt get any presents for february 14. here have one of these chocolates your mama got for me ** hands most disgusting flavour of the pack **
person: gee thanks mum
by that gay slice of mouldy bread February 6, 2022
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National Vangel day!!

National vangel day celebrates the connection between valentina and angel. TRUE LOVE!
what day is it?
February 14... WHY?
by February 14, 2022
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February 14 is national Attack on Titan day, if you do not pledge right now Captain Levi will brutally slaughter you in his sleep.
Person: YO it’s February 14 do you have a valentine for Valentine’s Day?
Person 2: No wdym it’s Attack on Titan day
by Jaylee_thewaffle February 13, 2021
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National slap a guy named Liam day unless he askes you out.
February 14:
"Hey y/n did Liam ask you out?"

"Yeah I guess I cant slap him :("
by Sophiscool_1 February 7, 2022
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a day where ugly people get chocolates from their parents

boy1: hey did you get a valentine
boy2: i got some chocolate from my parents
boy1: that makes sense
valentines day February 14
by largedonkey64545 January 27, 2021
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The birthday of the guy destined to be a sex god
Guy 1:Did you hear it's Tyler's birthday today?
Guy 2: It's February 14? Damn I bet he gets more girls than both of us combined
by cedwerd November 28, 2019
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The day where one dumbass called another dumbass a whore, and boom they became friends (eventually something else but shhh)
me: remember when i called you a whore one February 14?
matt: ...
me: you're still a whore
by sssenpai? April 23, 2020
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