Ass Crack, as in Slot A (vagina) Slot B (butt), referred to on The Rachel Maddow Show, as graphic images of American contractors hired as Afghan embasssy guards suck vodka shots out of the asses of colleagues.
The Wackenhut guards were wilding in Afghanistan hazing other employees as here shown doing shots .... uh, ... out of uh.... Slot B.
by Willie Maykit September 4, 2009
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The slot on the front of men's underwear. While the intended purpose of this slot is to allow for the wearer of the garment to withdraw their genitalia, nobody actually uses it. Although, it is possible that someone does. It is possible that somewhere in this world there is a man with the audacity to defy the standards of society and use The Slot, despite the very real possibility of ostracism, or even crucifixion. Such a man would be difficult to identify, because of the intimate and subtle nature of his rebellion, and is likely a master of concealment. He could be living beside you, your co-worker, your neighbor, even your family member, and you would never know. How should we regard him? Should we fear him? Should we hate him? Does he deserve punishment? Who is he to defy our customs? Who is he to ignore our rules? He is just a man, and as a man he is subject to Man’s Law, which, of course, explicitly prohibits the use of The Wiener Slot. Or should we embrace him? Should we admire his bravery, his instance on personal freedom? It may be that one day he will come forward and we will permit him to remove our shackles. It may be that one day we will look back on this time as a period of confusion and darkness and say, “Thank you, Weiner Slot guy, for liberating us from our ignorance!” It may be that our very civility rests in accepting the way of this man, this enigma, this loneliest of revolutionaries. It may be… It may very well be.
My name is XXXXX XXXXXXXXX, and I use the Wiener Slot.
by Anglomofo April 8, 2010
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A gambler at a casino machine who is oblivious to his/her surroundings.
She's such a slot zombie that a fight broke out at the craps table behind her and she didn't even turn around.
by Unidyne March 12, 2005
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1) An anus characterized by being long and narrow, like a coin slot, as opposed to a rosebud or starfish; description used by gay men to describe buttholes. 2) A bottom with a slot-shaped hole.
1) Joe has a theory that most bottoms are a slot ass and not a rosebud because a slot ass opens up better. 2) My little slot ass is coming over tonight.
by culero69 August 18, 2007
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An expansion slot where one can insert their hard drive.
Hey girl, let me put my hard drive into your golden slot.
by LoveComputers April 19, 2020
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When the top of the crack of someone's huge ass can be seen because of low-waisted pants or shorts, and the gap is so wide or large that a parcel or large envelope could fit. Not to be confused with Coin Slot, a much smaller crack that accommodates change.
In the parking lot today at Wal-Mart I saw an enormous woman clammer off of her mobility scooter and load her groceries into her busted-ass minivan. She was showing off her Mail Slot when she slid the door closed to head back to the trailer park. The gap must have been four inches across.
by Chef Dick August 10, 2009
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When you get really mad at someone and shit through thier letterbox

When someone is antagonised to the point where they 'slot' their own poo through another's letter box
'Ah man, I'm so mad at Pablo, so I thought I'd do some shit slotting. Basically I took a shit through his letter box'
by Ragatron December 22, 2013
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