To masturbate to pornography on VHS or Betamax while rewinding it.
"You know what, I'm bored of just masturbating. I think I'll treat myself to a backwards betty tonight. Let me just dust off these VHS tapes I hid behind the water tank 7 years ago"
by Megaross August 27, 2014
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A sex position which includes placing your ballsack on top of the girls eyes, almost like goggles and then spinning so that your balls rotate across her eyelids.
Hey Rick, me and my girlfriend performed the backwards goggles last night!
by Storythistle March 9, 2017
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Person 1: Chris died
Person 2: Wasn't he gay
Person 1: Yeah he's a backward xylophone now
by bruhsoupandyo December 4, 2022
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They're wards you put on your back to ward away demons or evil spirits.
Hym "No no no! Idiot! It's not 'killing people for angering you' it's 'killing people to anger people who wouldn't care otherwise'. You have it exactly backwards! Because if I was hanging from my ceiling fan no one would even notice. The first of the month would come maybe people would be wondering why I haven't posted anything. Then, 7-10 days later I would get a '10 day to pay or quit' notice and people might start to wonder where I've been. Then, 10 days later my landlord would enter my apartment and find my rotting corpse. And then maybe 5 people would be sad. Maybe if you read the article about my death you would be sad (for an instant) in some vague way like 'Aw 😐 I like baseball too' and then you would go about your day as though I never existed at all. You will feel nothing. But, if I choose violence, you'd feel it then wouldn't you? Hahaha! Yeah you would! You'd feel anger and disgust and fear 'that could have been me or one of my fuck trophies!!!' OR you would feel NOTHING. You would be exactly what I accuse you of being! You would report on my crime without saying my name (because everyone remembers the name of the columbine guys 😂🤣 I don't) but it would be silly and pointless because it doesn't un-kill those people."

Iam "We're not advocating it. We're just explaining it."

Hym "I want you to FEEL IT! *Consecutive hip thrusts* DO YOU FEEL IT!? *Consecutive hip thrusts* YEAH!!! IF YOU DONT YOU'RE PROVING ME RIGHT! AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!"
by Hym Iam April 16, 2022
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UK Slang term for someone who is a homosexual. Mainly Northern English.
Steve- “I’ve heard Michael pokes his arse when he has a wank”.
Aaron- “Hahaha, Backwards Cunt”.
Michael- “So what it feels good”.
by OneInchAsian March 10, 2022
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When a male tradie is working at a male homosexuals house, and the homosexual is watching way too intensely.
Mate, I had a job today and had to pull out the old backwards toolbelt.
by Mad goat January 29, 2020
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This is backwards ABCs, and if you don't believe me you can even check it.
Backwards ABCs is for when you want to be the coolest kid in 2nd grade
2)Also if you want to be just outright dumb-ish
by What tf do you mean February 24, 2021
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