"i'm velvet"
"have you heard of velvet they're really cool"
by foomfs September 17, 2020
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A term used to describe a betrayal by someone or something considered to be virtuous and then is shown to be the opposite. It leads to a feeling of great unease by a soft movement, like a punch from a velvet boxing glove
“I was watching this comedy and all of a sudden it became serious. It was a real velvet punch
by Hugh Wards May 17, 2020
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Someone highly skilled in the art of penetrating the 'velvet underground' with the 'pork sword'.
Dude #1: That guy looks like a real velvet samurai.
Dude #2: Indeed, my gaydar is off the scale right now.
by Piotr Dahl September 4, 2012
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1.) basically, this means that you want to perform oral on a person's vagina
2.) could also mean that you are simply eating a peach
Jake: Maaannn, that girl be lookin' cute!
Daniel: Well, you know what you gotta do.
Jake: You're right... gotta eat that velvet!
by Gabe-ish August 19, 2022
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Is an expression for suave , sexually appealing and simply being the best in entertainment
Ooh that Jack is such a "Guy Velvet " ,look at him smooth talking all those ladies , such finesse and panache
by Udayraj November 23, 2021
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The act of adding bubble bath vaginally accidentally before intercourse. The soapy bubbles mix together to create frothyness that spills out from the vagina. This is due to the agitation of the penis inside the vagina.
Stole the towel my girlfriend after her bubble bath, gave her one hell of a velvet jacuzzi.
by Fathering run perturbed August 27, 2016
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When you pull out a used tampon and a piece if shit out of a girl and switch spots.
April gave Brittany a red velvet switch at the party last night. It was
by Chicken 'n Melon December 15, 2021
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