The musky swirl of deodorant, solidified sweat, and pungent aroma of body odor that leaves your clogged armpit pore after you pop it.
Woah dude, I never the armpit cake would taste as bad as it smelled. Sniffing a drop 2 feet away singed my nostril hairs
by E IN August 17, 2017
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A situation so shitty that no matter the outcome you end up being screwed, like a birthday cake that gives you AIDS, doesn't matter what slice you take, you'll get AIDS regardless.
"This is really brutal. I don't know what I'm going to do here, either way I go I'm fucked"
"Sounds like you've been given an AIDS birthday cake".
by thewarragulman April 7, 2018
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Restaurant slang for when someone spits in their food.
Hey Jenny. Someone just cussed me out for telling them we didn’t have any specials. I’m giving her crab cakes.
by peppyjoto April 9, 2021
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A man gathers his baby gravy into a receptacle, dries it, grinds it into a powder, keeps it next to his bed.

When engaging in the sex, just before climax, the man would grab a handful of nut powder and blow it into the face of his partner, thus powdering her like a Funnel Cake.
Oh ya bro, I gave her the Funnel cake last night.
by goddammitbonnie April 30, 2022
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Another name for a woman's asshole that has a fat cake ass.
by xbarnxdogx April 6, 2023
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When you assert dominance over a petite chick and turn her upside down and then proceed to pound her.
He just walked in and grabbed her up and put her in the upside down pound cake.
by Xrayted May 24, 2019
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