This is a state or situation in which everything going as smooth to your satisfaction or comfort ability... created by Marcus Noah
Toju, Mr ben is not in school today see how everything airy.
by _iamprezo May 2, 2020
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"Hey the sky is blue!"

"Yes, that is an 'everything is bullshit'"
by moment bruh big May 20, 2021
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An expression saying that "Everything is love". Comes from the <3 thingy that ppl use when typing things.
Everything is less than three <3
by coveted seed July 23, 2023
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Just like chess, every decision in the game of life has an impact on the rest of your game. One bad move and your entire game is ruined or in the least, it makes it hard to recover from that bad choice. Ask mom for $40 just so you can get 20$? Chess...Souping up the Chipolte girl just so she gives you more chicken, chess.
Yo, yesterday i noticed that a cop pulled out in back of me a few lights back. My tags are expired so I hit that left and a right into Bristol Farms, got out and kept it moving. Everything is chess.
by MajorChess October 11, 2019
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They have a special way of dealing with you and you're sure they will always be there for you. They are your support and you can count on them . When troubled times face you, you feel secure because you have them.
But like, you're not in love or anything...
"pheebs, you're my almost-everything."
by yinyang4 January 22, 2020
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To rob someone, like a "show me your pockets".
X:"Hey lad, what's good?"
Y:"I am good, leave me alone please."
X:"Oh, i see you acting though, run me everything on you before i wet my man up!"
by RXRES August 30, 2022
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