Opposite of a weenis (your elbow skin), the weegina is on the other side where your arm creases when you bend it.
Me: lol i just touched your weenis!
Amy: yeah well I just stabbed your hokey poke backwards elbow area!
by Letsgetdangerous90 August 25, 2021
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The act wherein a persons nether region is shaved with a single pass completely removing hair and organs in a stripe down the middle.
She was pissed at him and gave him a backward skunk.
by Furiantl April 16, 2021
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One who bends their legs backwards in a locked position when standing straight up. Their legs are not bent all the way, it is bent enough to see a slight curve in the leg. It is not known what causes this phenomenon, but looks very messed up.
When a person is standing straight up and locks their legs. With most people, they lock in a straight-up position. With backwards standers, the leg is bent backwards farther than any leg should go.
by Chris Bingley November 14, 2007
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word for someone who reads the dang books backwards!!!! reads them the wrong way!! back to front!
"that eustace is a god darn backwards bobby boy! Fuck!"
by Bogish September 16, 2020
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When a person make a fresh plate of pasta with pasta sauce (usually a red sauce) and needs someone to shove the entire dish of noodles in sauce in their ass to be able to reach climax
Jeff sent me like 17 pictures of his pasta dish. He must really want me to do the Backwards Pasta on him.
by Soggybiacuiiiit November 15, 2021
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when your driving in traffic and want to switch lanes because the person in front of you is stopped, and the person behind you gets in the open lane before you cutting you off - but backwards!!!!
What the fuck is this guy taking so long to turn for. Hurry up! get in the open lane...Oh FUCK nevermind...this guy behind us is a backwards cutteroffer!!!
by burtkeesley07 June 15, 2009
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