A thong made for men with dick the size of large trees.
Dude, Jacob had a tree thong on last night!
by Sirbigdickalot June 1, 2016
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an move used mostly by ugly porn stars when the were an tight thong and take an massive shit that is very hard which then is sliced in halve by the thong
jeff: hey did u see seedvia silks video last night

mark: dude doesn't she do thong slicing of her shit

jeff: yah and it is so hot

mark :........ why I am i even friend with u
by hgsd November 22, 2016
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When you stretch your gum vertically over your tongue, you split the tongue in half and create booty cheeks and the gum becomes the thong of said booty cheeks.
Oh damn that’s a nice looking gum thong you have there. Teach me how you do it.
by Extraivy September 23, 2019
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Sexiest and the most gay-est in class, mostly attracted to boys due to tons of rejection from girls, is very gay when playing games
Friends: Guy's there's a Thong Li in our class.
by HorseChip November 22, 2021
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a thong for a clock.
person 1: "my clock looks a little boring"
person 2: "ill get you a clock thong!"
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A well built mature lady who isn’t exactly fussy about removing her underwear.
“Oh dear, you look traumatised mate”. “Yes, I bumped into Lindsey after 10 pints and the Slack Thong came off.
by Geoff Paddle June 6, 2022
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When a lady is obese to the point where her thongs are stretched to the max and holding on for dear life. Can be used for men in reference to their swim shorts too.
Guy 1: Have you seen that whale over there?
Guy 2: She's so fat her thongs are gonna rip at any moment
Guy 1: GG Thong
by TheJenerate October 19, 2020
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