when you're in hell, Satan will sometimes announce Guitar Hero Thursday if he's ran out of torture to give to folks.
Steve: hey, you gonna be there for guitar hero Thursday this week?

Jeff: nah, Satan and I have some unfinished torture to get to
by TrugoyDaPriest March 11, 2019
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Thursday Rhapsody is a girls name, taken from 2 different book series.

Thursday; from Jasper Fforde's 'Thursday Next' series, and Rhapsody; from Elizabeth Haydon's 'Rhapsody' series.
A very unique name for a unique girl.
Loves a tickle and a giggle.
She is a water baby, bath time is her favourite time of day, unless she gets to have a swim in the pool.
Inquisitive and curious.
Thursday, you are such a cheeky girl!

Put it down, Thursday Rhapsody!

Thursday, get that out of you're mouth!
by Melidere September 7, 2011
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Gjergday is a spin on Jersey Shore's "Jersday Thursday". Only people with the last name Gjergji can celebrate it.
Gjergji: Man I'm so pumped for Thursday!

None Gjergji: Why?

Gjergji: It's Gjergday Thursday!
by Geokid March 30, 2011
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Originated in Lewis County, New York it is the day of the week that men will choose home over any other social function in anticipation of receiving anal sex.
I can't meet you for a drink tonight Darren, I'm going straight home since it's Pooper Thursday.
by Thisguy29 October 7, 2016
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A day in which you post your shittiest takes, usually on a Thursday.
Person 1: Did you know racism is good?

Person 2: Interesting, I didn't know it was shit take Thursday.
by big balls23 June 9, 2022
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when you or anyone around you forgetts what day it is so he/she assumes it is thursday. there is also a monday jamakin a tuesday ruby a wednesday wenis a thursday chiptin.. and a friday fluff filled firetruck
guy one: whats today thursday? *its tuesday*

guy two: *whispers to his freind* did u see that guy, he just did a thursday chiptin.
by jakegilmann June 14, 2008
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