Person who keeps on toggling between social networking sites like Facebook and email websites like Hotmail, often vainly searching for messages during obviously bad times, like when most people are sleeping or working.
Don't be such a message chaser! Get off that effin' computer, go to Target and buy that toy for the kids that's on discount, before the animals grab it up!
by pentozali September 8, 2010
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When you are typing a message to someone (especially a long and meaningful one) and while you are typing it, they send you a message (usually a question) and you have to erase everything and change your entire message
Jake: So what happened last night? Did you tell Ella that you like her?
John: No, I was typing, and then she totally message-bombed me and asked me to tell her the answers to the homework so I never got the chance
Jake: hate it when that happens
by SadMostDays December 20, 2013
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To understand the real meaning of what someone is trying to communicate.

I keep dropping hints about a pay rise, but my boss just never gets the message
by January 22, 2023
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Licking is Similar to "liking" an online post or message but 4.5 times more powerful.

Licks, not likes!
"Licked" an online post or message

I would like 3 cases of lone star light please.

Once this message has been licked it recieves 4.5x the power of some lameass who simply "likes" a message.
by Big E Licks not likes December 29, 2022
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Sending one message to all of your friends or at least 100 at the same time on facebook thus spamming them with a thousand notifications creating chaos
greg: Aww man did you get invited to this conversation too?

bob: yeah dammit! it's a freakin chaos message!!!

phil: my phone won't stop vibrating with notifications guys!
by xDAGx April 25, 2011
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Business jargon for to tell oneself, admit to oneself, remind oneself. Can also be used in a non-business context.
Best deployed in the tone of cold, calculated impersonality so beloved of financial types.
Also useful for the handwringing mustn't judge self-help sector
Ryan needs to self-message that running a million dollar a week loss is not a sustainable business proposition.

Rhonda, I think it would be great if you could self-message tha t maybe continuing your meth addiction isn't the optimum life choice for your 8 children
by Portmagee May 20, 2012
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A business/psychobabble jargon alternative to "tell oneself". Best used by people who want to fool others into thinking they are

a. Extraordinarily efficient and professional
b. Entirely empathetic and non-judgemental
"I think Bill needs to self-message that his turning up drunk to the weekly efficiency meetings is entirely inappropriate"

"I think you need to self-message that selling your children into slavery is not a viable solution to your financial issues involving access to crack"
by Portmaguese July 12, 2012
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