The most bottom in the world they will always claim they are a top or a switch but in reality they are a sad bottom.
"Casey you really are a moist rat."
by Pridedspartan99 February 25, 2021
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An example of when a crippled is mean to you you can say “ stfu crippled rat.”
Man: “you’re so gay!”
Jack: “Shut up you crippled rat you wish you could move but you can’t!”

- Caleb Ross
by ZigaNinjaAntYT April 29, 2020
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When u fit ur whole foot in some good ass pussy and u flick around like u got rat on ur spatula.
Yo I just got a rat spatula up my ass.
Yo that’s dope Bria.
by Yesssurrrrrrr February 13, 2021
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to do cocaine by snorting a line
Brian: Did you smash the rat at the rave yesterday?
Mike: No, I don't do coke
by snortex November 26, 2017
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a swedish youtuber that has 200 subs on yt
by rat vaio February 24, 2020
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Black cat that snorts and dies on your floor each day with a German accent.
Viola rat is so dumb. She just dies on your floor and nothing much goes on.
by Isabel banks May 11, 2020
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A term commonly used by rangas to denote their disappointment or anger.
Can also be used to mock said rangas.
*something bad happens*
Ranga: 'Ah, rats!'
Normal Person: 'aH, rAtS!!11!!'
by pend5everyday May 12, 2022
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