Someone from the trenches that gets all the girls
Person 1: Hey, look at that hood rat getting all the bitches
Person 2: Yea, he's a Trench Monster
by RizzGod99 December 19, 2022
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See that emo in a trench coat?
Yeah that dude is such a JD
by HenryTheMoth March 30, 2017
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Mate did you bang her?

Ohh bro! I changed lanes without indicating trenched it!
by DB Dynamite March 11, 2022
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1. Trenched (verb): An action that is either epic or unbelievably terrible. A common substitute for the word "fuck" and its variations
2. Trench(ed) (adjective): used to describe incredible awesomeness or utter disappointment
1. Let's get Trenched at the Concert!
Ya bro! I can't wait to be completely trenched.


We got completely trenched at the game today, I can't believe we lost.

2. That movie was trenched. It could win an Oscar.
by Turd "The Turd" Ferguson September 6, 2023
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A made up slur for german people made by a few idiots in an xbox party chat to make fun of their friend Harley whomst parents are both german
by Harleygoestosleep September 25, 2022
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A gun which could have been used to clear a trench in World War 2, including SMGs, Shotguns and Trench clubs.
“Shit, the germans are coming! Get your trench brooms lads!”
by Daspeakerofdatruts November 22, 2021
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The slit you make in a hotdog before microwaving it to make sure it doesn't explode
*microwave goes POP really loud*

Guy: "man, you didn't make a ketchup trench. Go clean out my fucking microwave"
by poopbucketburgle January 31, 2011
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