Facial hair grown in the attempt to protect a mans face from another mans abdomen.
Steve got so sick of hurting his nose, he decided to grow a hummer bumper
by fx2ce5 August 3, 2010
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An extra-abundant harvest of vehicle-parts dat are grown on a truck farm.
As much as some motorheads love to bash into things, they better hope dat there's always a bumper crop each year, so dat they'll be able to get replacements whenever they need them!
by QuacksO February 12, 2023
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An ad on YouTube that less than 6 seconds
Person 1: Have you heard that YouTube now shows 2 ads at once?
Person 2: Yeah, but it's only skippable ads or bumper ads.
by June 15, 2019
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That dude’s a total rod bumper.

That rod bumper over there just bought Dave a beer.
by Joey C-Note February 21, 2019
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That dude’s a total rod bumper.

That rod bumper over there just bought Dave a beer.
by Joey C-Note February 21, 2019
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A sex act involving a group of dry masturbating gentlemen and or gentleladies where upon the completion of climax fist bumps between group members abound.
Kevin, Connor, Matt and Isak, sampling a fine sherry, did the raw bumper into the night. In the morning, their hands and fists were equally tired.
by DoubleDutchRudder April 2, 2018
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Using a vehicle to hunt animals along the road.
Last weekend we went bumper hunting and came back with 2 deer and a rabbit.
by ThatsGottaHurt February 24, 2016
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