Finally Going To
Finally gonna
When is the new season of outer banks finna drop
by HippieRooster August 24, 2022
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(Finna) is the lazy way of saying the slang word "Gonna" which is the lazy way of saying the proper word "Going To"
Johnathan: Hey Dequan, are you going to watch the Football game later on this week?

Dequan: Nah bruh, I "finna" be wit my girl at da movies and then my boys and we "finna" take turns smash'in" her at my crib.
by Kryptonox April 27, 2020
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finna is a slang word people use for fixing to/gonna.

Fixing to + Gonna= FINNA
Person 1: hey, why are you FINNA go?
Person 2: im finna go to the market to get some chips"
by Word babys April 15, 2019
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Auxiliary Verb - going to; a more grammatical correct form of ‘finnA’

Frequently used in the underground pick up artist community
I’m finnA to get that girl’s number!
by Liftingandpimping77 July 2, 2023
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Used by idiots who have read people mistyping “gonna” and think it’s a real word.
I’m gonna have to use spellcheck, I accidentally typed finna 1000 times
by AstoranSolaire October 30, 2022
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Going to, about to;
Im finna go get the groceries, hold up!
by Roat May 14, 2021
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