when you stick 3 mason jars of rice up your girlfriends ass during serious anal than eat the rice in her pussy
you wanna do some asian elliot after school at my house
by coco_nutt_rice October 30, 2018
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Because Elliot is a dumbass everyone can punch him
Because max is strong Elliot is getting punched; therefore it is National punch Elliot day
by Billy bill32 November 21, 2021
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Mary Elliot is super quirky and has a lot of spirit! She is crazy, but is the one to go to with a problem. Once you have her in your life, she will never be gone. Mary Elliot is always loyal and loving. Though she is crazy, she will love you forever!
Mary Elliot is the craziest person I know!
by masondixon_line03 April 19, 2022
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Pro boxer dad , rich , emo lol
Elliot melia is an emo
by I am a hold up striker November 27, 2021
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Probably the best couple. Love everywhere.
"I want to be like maddie and elliot"
"Same haha!"

being defined
maddie elliot
by jamesboyyylmao October 30, 2021
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