the day when all black people get special powers and are allowed to take over the world
“Hey did you hear about the black person with laser eyes robbing a bank??”

Yeah, so what?, it’s December 21st.”
by gzach December 21, 2020
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person who was born on December are not specifically good person.
person who was born on December 21st deserves the entire world.
if you don't like theses person, people in general are allowed to break your arms.
smone- i was born on December, way ?
you- but which day ?
smone - December 21st but whyyyyy
smone- i don't like y-

everyone who breath oxygen : *come over there and kick your s'ut's ass*
by srekcinscat October 16, 2019
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Fuck Katherine Day

No, Literally Have Sex With Katherine Day
Yo Kath, its December 21st, wanna fuck??
by XiqedOnXbox December 21, 2021
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Yo it's December 21st make sure to put on your gray beanie!!!
by Clown guy thing December 21, 2021
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Man 1: Its December 21st today, did you hear its Be Polish Day?
Mężczyzna 2: Oczywiście, że słyszałem, drogi przyjacielu.
by k9tur December 20, 2020
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Man 1: It's December 21st, did you hear its Be Polish Day today?
Mężczyzna 2: No oczywiście, że słyszałem, drogi przyjacielu.
by k9tur December 20, 2020
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All men and women who are born on this day are special cause they are born 4days before Christmas which ruin's their mods a lot but they are still happy to be born on that day
December 21st is so fucking awesomeness
by December 21st 2005 November 24, 2021
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