This mother fucker wont stop being a try-hard in COD zombies, and everything he does.
Lance wont stop being a try-hard at fortnite and its pissing me off
Lance is actually a god when it comes to COD zombies.
YOOOOO, Lance just got the platinum trophy for Call of Duty Blacks ops 4
by lololol99999 December 11, 2018
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An amazing friend. Super funny, interested in a variety of topics and very down-to-Earth, this is a friend who will be honest to you no matter what, and always is able to see the logical side of things. All in all, definitely someone people can trust! Very talkative and considerate of others, despite his own issues he's always able to look out for his other friends in life, and I admire that about him. You're amazing, Lance!
I can always count on Lance to make my server brighter and happier :).
by placid! January 16, 2023
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"Did you see that lance was in the dumpster"
by bigtrey12345 February 1, 2022
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Lance is the name for a person that is generally a bitch at everything they do. Lance is a bottom freak and loves giant cock in his asshole. Lance is a hoe ass bitch.
Youre being a lance right now.
(Youre being a bitch right now.)
by ho3assbitchasslookingass May 20, 2022
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A Lance is a person that battle’s his demons on a daily basis. Sometimes he breaks down but because of the Love from his family, friends and his God he is able to push through.
He is a lance for pushing through.
by Supernova____\\\ November 24, 2021
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A Lance is a man with a plan and nothing could get in the way of his plan. He is very persuasive and smart but he is also kind and caring . Lance is the best lover with the most handsome body. He could get any girl he wants but only chooses the best. He is a hard worker and very strict on himself to look his utter best. You hit the bullseye when Lance is you boyfriend as he is very entertaining and also a very good kisser. He will always leave you satisfied
You kiss like a Lance
Make a Lance plan
Look at that professional, he must be a Lance
by Azrielli November 21, 2021
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a very SEXY thiCCCC basketball player..... BEWARE for he is asian and will woop you humpty dumpty dumb ass if you fuck with him, (proof for you ALBERTO)
by lancelot0808 October 8, 2019
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