Where A Man And A Women Have Intercourse And After The Man Takes The Women’s Hand And Starts High-Fiving And Dabbing Her Up Like A G.
Molly And I Will Slap And Dab Today.
by Muñañyo April 14, 2021
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During the 2017 Reading festival, Muse frontman Matt Bellamy appeared to excute a dab whilst performing the song 'Dig Down'. As this is an all-round embarrassing turn of events, the portmanteau 'Dab down' has since become synonymous with any embarrassing, awkward or unfortunate situation one has found oneself in.
"Hey bro, did you hear Steve had to break up with Jessie? He found her in his own bed getting spitroasted by two mugs from Colchester."

"Ah, dab down Steve. What a shame."
by bucket the fourth May 18, 2022
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The Motive, Gesture of tea bagging and dabbing someone after they were just knocked down or have fallen as a taunt (Dab bagger)
at a football game a guy fell on the ground an you teabag him with your arms remaining the motion of dabbing (Formal term) known as a Dab bagger
by AshHD100 February 9, 2017
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This is the colloquial term used to describe an excessively large glob of smokeable THC wax that can only be taken by the elite of the cannabis community. Inspired by Elizabeth Peterson taking a monstrous hit like a champ to prove she didn’t have baby lungs; this term was coined by her friends and became recognized as common Lingo of the K-PEN and extending 907 regions.
1: Dot and Pals were smoking some wax out in the shed. When the nail was passed to Mill he felt extra bold and proclaimed he was going to take a Lizz-Dab.

2: J-Fog nearly died after the extreme shock of chiefing a Lizz-Dab.
by Ak_Courage April 5, 2019
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The lingering cloud hanging in a room after someone dabs marijuana concentrate and exhales the smoke, clouding the room with dab smog. Worse when large crowds are in closed spaces.
This room is clouded with dab smog.
by Lndshrq July 13, 2016
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A way to make dumb fucking 12-year-olds stop fucking dabbing. The process is done by gluing or strapping a knife to a Childs hand so if he dabs he dies.
Adam:"Bro how did you get your cringey brother to stop dabbing."
Steven:"Easy man just do what I did and make him do the Suicide Dab"
by Toilet-Man April 14, 2018
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'Quantanious Dabadocious' or more commonly known as the 'Quantum Dab' , refers to the action of performing a dab at a speed faster than the speed of light. The quantum dab has long be sought after by scientists who have tried to re -create the phenomenon under lab conditions, however there are very limited recordings throughout history which document a successful quantum dab. The most recent attempt at the quantum dab was by James, 18, Scotland who performed the quantum dab at a record speed of 400,000,000 m/s.
Wow! I can't believe he just quantum dab'd to 'in my feelings'

Omg becky, that guy just pulled off a quantum dab! Thats so fucking hotttt
by Matty HD Damon December 26, 2018
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